Thursday, February 25, 2010

Fresh Start.

Wow. August 5th, 2009. My last post. I feel awful to be honest. 

I have been busy. Started school again in September at Loyalist College for Photojournalism. What a course that is!! The teachers are amazing, classmates are phenomenal photographers and the courses were pretty fun. Never thought I'd be saying this about school, but I actually enjoyed it...don't tell the parents haha.

Anyways after a semester there, I decided to take a semester off, compose myself and make some money. Now since this decision was made I have accomplished a little. Did my first set of headshots, been job searching, and my favourite thing so far - gone to New York Fashion Week. 

What an experience that was my god. 8 straight days on 12hr days or shooting and another couple hours editing after.  I met a bunch of awesome people from all over the world. I was there shooting for my friend's fashion website The Fashion Visionboard Girl ( 

Anyways I'm not going to blabber on seeing as there really isn't much new in my life. 
I will be posting a bunch of photos from Fashion Week tomorrow when I get a chance.

Happy Shooting!!

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